Best 20+ Tourist place visit in agra “The city of Taj Mahal”

Agra, located in the northern part of India, is a city renowned for its rich historical and cultural significance. It is home to one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, the majestic Taj Mahal, which attracts millions of tourists every year. Agra was once the capital of the Mughal Empire, and the remnants of its glorious past can still be seen in its splendid architecture and impressive monuments.

The city offers a unique blend of architectural wonders, bustling markets, and a vibrant atmosphere that transports visitors back in time. Apart from the Taj Mahal, Agra is also known for its other magnificent Mughal-era structures like Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri, which have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These architectural marvels showcase the grandeur and opulence of the Mughal dynasty.

Taj Mahal Agra:~

They Taj Mahal is a world famous mausoleum located in the city of Agra in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The city of Agra is situated at a distance of 200 KM from Delhi, the capital of India, Taj Mahal is a very beautiful symbol of India’s history, culture and architecture, this tourist place is a center of attraction for the people of the country and abroad, in 1983 Taj Mahal was declared UNESCO. Declared a World Heritage Site. It is said in history that this mausoleum was built by Shah Jahan during the Mughal rule in memory of his wife Mumtaz.

Taj Mahal Agra
Taj Mahal Agra

It took about 20 years (1632 AD – 1653 AD) to build this palace, soon after the Taj Mahal was built, Shah Jahan was put under house arrest by his son Aurangzeb in the Agra Fort, during the British rule there were many temples around the Taj Mahal. Changes took place, arrangements were made for protection from foreign invaders, at present, the biggest threat to Taj Mahal is from acid rain, acid rain is caused by the smoke coming out of Mathura oil refinery factories.

The Taj Mahal was built by bringing material from different places of India and all over Asia, during the construction more than 1000 elephants were used in the journey, about 20 thousand laborers were engaged in the construction, craftsmen and artisans from different countries of the world The translucent white marble stone was brought from Makrana in Rajasthan, the Taj Mahal is derived from the Persian word ‘Taj’ and the Arabic word ‘Mahal’.

Every year 20-40 lakh visitors come to this tourist place, in which more than 2 lakh are foreigners. A small township named Tajganj which is situated to the south of the Taj Mahal, was also known as Mumtazganj.

Most tourists seem to come in the months of October, November and February. The Taj Mahal is ranked first (worldwide poll) among the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

Tourists can take five items into the Taj Mahal area such as small video cameras, mobile phones, small ladies wallets, transparent water bottles.Taj Mahal is located in Agra, 200 KM away from Delhi, here geographically Agra is the golden triangle of Delhi Jaipur, you can use road, rail and air to reach Agra.

Best restaurants near Taj Mahal….

Pinch of Spice: This restaurant is known for its authentic Indian cuisine and has a beautiful view of the Taj Mahal. They serve both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.

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Esphahan: Located inside the luxurious Oberoi Amarvilas Hotel, Esphahan is a fine-dining restaurant that serves traditional Mughlai cuisine. The restaurant has a stunning view of the Taj Mahal and is known for its impeccable service.

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Joney’s Place: Joney’s Place is a small restaurant that serves delicious Indian street food. It’s a popular spot for locals and tourists alike and is known for its affordable prices.

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Shankara Vegis Restaurant: This vegetarian restaurant is known for its delicious South Indian cuisine. They serve a variety of dosas, idlis, and other vegetarian dishes.

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Bon Barbecue: Bon Barbecue is a rooftop restaurant that serves a variety of Indian and international cuisines. They have a live barbecue station and a great view of the Taj Mahal.

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Agra Fort:~

Agra Fort
Agra Fort

Agra Fort, also known as the Red Fort of Agra, is a historical fort located in the city of Agra in Uttar Pradesh, India. It is one of the finest Mughal forts in the country and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Near the gardens of the Taj Mahal is an important 16th-century Mughal monument called the Red Fort of Agra. This mighty fort of red sandstone encloses the imperial city of the Mughal rulers within its 2.5 kilometer long enclosure walls. It includes many magnificent palaces such as Jahangir Palace and Khas Mahal built by Shah Jahan; audience halls, such as the Diwan-i-Khas; And two very beautiful mosques.

Agra Fort is a historical fort in the city of Agra, India. It was the main residence of the emperors of the Mughal dynasty until 1638, when the capital was shifted from Agra to Delhi. Agra Fort is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is about 2.5 km northwest of its more famous sister monument, the Taj Mahal. The fort can be more accurately described as a walled city.

After the First Battle of Panipat in 1526, the victorious Babur stayed in the fort, in Ibrahim Lodi’s palace. Later he built a baoli in it. His successor, Humayun, was crowned at the fort in 1530. He was defeated at Bilgram in 1540 by Sher Shah Suri. This fort remained with the Suris till 1555, after which Humayun re-captured it. Adil Shah Suri’s general, Hemu captured Agra in 1556 and took his fugitive governor to Delhi where he met the Mughals at the Battle of Tughlaqabad. Sheesh Mahal, Agra Fort: Effect produced by lighting candles in the Sheesh Mahal, Agra Fort.

Some details about Agra Fort are as follows:

Construction: The construction of Agra Fort was started by Emperor Akbar in 1565, and took about eight years to complete. However, subsequent Mughal emperors including Jahangir and Shah Jahan also made significant additions to the fort, resulting in its present grandeur.

Architecture: Agra Fort displays a unique blend of Islamic, Persian and Hindu architectural styles. The fort is made of red sandstone, which gives it a distinct look. It covers a vast area of about 94 acres and is surrounded by a 21 meter high defensive wall.

Layout: The fort is characterized by its intricate maze-like layout, which includes various buildings, palaces, gardens and courtyards. Notable structures within the fort include the Jahangiri Mahal, Diwan-i-Aam, Diwan-i-Khas, Khas Mahal, Sheesh Mahal (Mirror Palace), Moti Masjid (Pearl Mosque) and Musamman Burj.

Jahangiri Mahal: This palace was built by Emperor Akbar for his primary queen Jodha Bai and later expanded by his son Jahangir. It is an impressive structure with ornate balconies, courtyards and a mix of Hindu and Islamic architectural elements.

Diwan-i-Aam and Diwan-i-Khas: The Diwan-i-Aam (Hall of Public Audience) was where the emperor met his subjects, and the Diwan-i-Khas (Hall of Private Audience) was used for private purposes. Used to hold meetings and receive important guests. The Diwan-i-Khas is especially famous for its splendid marble work and intricate carvings.

Khas Mahal: This beautiful white marble palace was the private residence of the emperor and his family. It has beautiful rooms including the Khwabgah (bedroom), which offers a spectacular view of the Taj Mahal.

Sheesh Mahal: Known as the Mirror Palace, it is decorated with intricate mirror work that creates a mesmerizing effect when light falls on it. The mirrored surfaces were designed to enhance the beauty of the palace.

Moti Masjid: The Pearl Masjid, built by Shah Jahan, is an ancient white marble structure located inside the fort complex. It is one of the major landmarks of Agra Fort.

Musamman Burj: This octagonal tower was the place where Emperor Shah Jahan was imprisoned by his son Aurangzeb. From here Shah Jahan had a view of the Taj Mahal, which he had built for his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

Agra Fort stands as a testament to the grandeur and architectural brilliance of the Mughal era. Its historical and cultural significance, along with its architectural marvels, make it a popular tourist attraction and an important part of India’s heritage.

Fatehpur Sikri:~

Fatehpur Sikri
Fatehpur Sikri

Fatehpur Sikri is a historical city located near Agra in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. It was built by Emperor Akbar, the third Mughal emperor of India, in the late 16th century. The city was the capital of the Mughal Empire from 1571 to 1585, but was later abandoned due to lack of water.
Fatehpur Sikri, located 37 kilometers from Agra, a town mainly in red sandstone, was built by the Mughal emperor Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar in honor of the great Sufi saint Sheikh Salim Chishti; Its magnificence and uniqueness present a fine example of the emperor’s architectural skill. Akbar’s tolerant religious views and interest in literature, architecture and the fine arts gave the buildings at Fatehpur Sikri a charismatic blend of Islamic and Hindu elements in their style and design.

During sunset and sunrise at Fatehpur Sikri, the burj and dome create shadows and silhouettes against the coppery red sky; Which is truly an awe-inspiring sight for a painter’s canvas or the viewer’s eye.

Fatehpur Sikri is famous for its architectural magnificence and is considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city displays a unique blend of Mughal, Persian and Indian architectural styles, and its structures are mainly made of red sandstone. Some notable buildings of Fatehpur Sikri include:

Buland Darwaza: This massive gateway is one of the main entrances to the city and is known for its impressive height and intricate design. It was built to commemorate the victory of Emperor Akbar in Gujarat.

Jama Masjid: A grand mosque situated near Buland Darwaza, Jama Masjid is one of the largest mosques in India. It has a central courtyard and a prayer hall with elegant pillars and arches.

Diwan-i-Aam: Also known as the Hall of Public Audience, this structure was used by Emperor Akbar to address his courtiers and to hear complaints from the common people.

Diwan-i-Khas: The hall of private audience where Akbar held private meetings with his ministers and important dignitaries. It is famous for its central pillar, known as the “Turkish Sultana”, which supports a circular platform where the emperor used to sit.

Panch Mahal: This five-storied palace served as a leisure place for the royal ladies. It has delicate pillars, open pavilions and a central courtyard.

Tomb of Salim Chishti: Located within the complex, this white marble mausoleum is dedicated to the Sufi saint Salim Chishti. It is a popular pilgrimage site and it is believed that wishes come true for those who tie threads around the marble screen.

Apart from these structures, Fatehpur Sikri also houses several other palaces, pavilions and residential quarters that were once part of the vibrant Mughal court. The city’s architectural brilliance, along with its historical significance, makes it a popular tourist destination in India and an important cultural heritage site.

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